
Madhavi Latha Love Line

It is often said that boys fall for those girls with simplicity and grace. Something like that is happening right now with this new beauty that seems to be stealing hearts wherever she goes. She is none other than Madhavi Latha, the girl from the TV circuit who progressed to film industry. WATCH IPL CRICKET LIVE

Those who have associated with Madhavi say that she has grace and magnetism and now two boys seem to be currently bowled over. There is news that Madhavi’s charms have been pulling the heart of Tanish who worked with her in ‘Nachchavule’ and Nani who is currently working with her. Telugu Actress Gossips

Tanish and Nani have been smitten equally it seems so both are trying their level best to woo Madhavi, as per sources. However, this girl is said to be quite professional and is contained when it comes to her work. So it remains to be seen what will happen next.

Madhavi Latha Hot Photos

Source: Greatandhra

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