
Nayantara Cutouts Created Funny Problem

Nayanatara is a hot sensation in Tamil Nadu and her huge cutouts were erected in small village all of sudden. People thought that Nayantara is coming to that place and hence gathered. They also learned that a fan club is going to be started in that place and hence the starlet is coming to inaugurate that. But the real story is like this. Telugu Movie News

A movie has started with the title Tiruna where the lead role in that film happens to be the fan of Naynatara. As per the script, the lead role starts a fan club in a village for Nayantara and hence the settings were made in that village for shooting purpose. Although the unit members tried to convince people, that turned out to be vain. The shooting was stalled for that day and the public didn’t believe what the unit members said.

This incident happened at Anumandai in Puducherry of Tamil Nadu.

Nayantara Photos Gallery

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